Man Power Supply

White Horizon Crew's Manpower service in UAE and in KSA has established its reputation due to its teamwork. We try to accomplish tasks in the manner of a team under the guidance of our project manager. The role of the project manager is central in assigning duties to Techincal Crew, Event Stage Crew, and Logistic Services Crew. We assign tasks on the principle of SMART(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) completion of duties. The SMART task identification techniques allow us to complete activities just in time.

Each department has to complete its task and target just in time relative to the duties assigned to them. All the department has to work as a team to manage an event, as team coordination is the secrete of our success. It is our teamwork, which enables us to create such a successful profile. Event Management is all about the accomplishment of the task and activities just in time according to the direction of the client. We try to implement the state of the art techniques in the completion of tasks and duties. We work on the modern principles of operation management which ensure quality in our task attainment in a specific time.

WHC Manpower service has been central in making WHC a brand in the event management industry. We have created a profile of satisfied clients and customers. We have refined our supply chain in precise coordination with each other. WHC service in UAE and in KSA has become a well-renowned brand in the event management industry. We try to hire specialists all around the world to provide quality services to the clients

Our teamwork has created a synergy in our task completion, and it is a synergetic approach that made us a leading brand in the event management industry in UAE and in KSA. Our teams ensure that specific task is assigned relative to the specialty of the person. We don't believe in the Adhoc approach and we always try to follow the path of specialty.

WHC Manpower service in UAE and in KSA consists of the following personnel and workforce:

  • Lighting Technician
  • Sound Technician
  • Stage Crew
  • Rigging
  • Fountains Setup Crew
  • Tents & Structures
  • Carpenters
  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • General Loading & Unloading crew

WHC Manpower service in UAE and KSA has created a brand identity in the event management industry. We provide Quality at the Doorsteps of the clients and try to make the event memorable for the clients.

WH Crew

WH Crew

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